Nursery - Seedlings

Welcome to Seedlings Class!

The adults in Seedlings Class are Mrs Pellant and Mrs Parker.

The Seven Areas of Learning

Communication and Language is key in EYFS and we will develop this through quality conversations, a language rich environment and provide extensive opportunities to try and embed new vocabulary.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development  is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and helps them to learn.

Physical Development is through gross and fine motor skill experiences which develop strength, co-ordination and the ability to write.

Literacy is crucial for children to develop a life long love for reading. This leads to the children becoming independent readers and writers.

Mathematics allows children to develop a strong grounding in number which is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically.

Understanding the World involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community.

Expressive Arts and Design involves the development of artistic and culture awareness which supports their imagination and creativity.

What are we learning about this half term? (Autumn Term 1)

This half term our big questions is 'Who am I?

In communication and Language, we will learn to listen and follow instructions within the Nursery. We will talk about ourselves and our families. We will listen to various stories connected to our topic. 

In Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we will start to build relationships with the other children and staff in our Nursery. We will recognise when we are feeling happy and sad.

In Physical Development, we will develop our gross motor skills outside by playing with balls, moving around in different ways and making marks on a large scale. We will develop our fine motor skills by making marks with pencils and crayons, attempting using scissors and exploring a range of tools in the playdough area including taking part in dough disco.

In Literacy, we will be listening to and talking about the following stories: ‘Lulu’s First Day’, ‘Who Are You?’ and 'The Family Book’. We will start to recognise the first letter in our name. In phonics we will develop our listening and attention skills through recognising sounds around us. In writing we will create lines and shapes.

In Mathematics, we will find ways of showing numbers up to three. We will compare size and use the words same and different to compare patterns and shapes.

In Understanding the World, we will talk about people in our family and people who are familiar to us. We will explore the school environment and the season Autumn. We will play with interactive toys to develop our technology skills. We will learn about the Christianity festival Harvest.

In Expressive Arts and Design, we will use the blocks to build different buildings. We will use paint, glue and scissors to make pictures. We will play different musical instruments and talk about the sounds they make.

Here is our long term plan

Important Information:

Friday Library Day