Welcome to Year 2. 

We are Beech Class!

The adults in Beech Class are Miss Shoukat, Mrs Ali (Monday morning) and Mrs Brown (Thursday afternoon). 

What are we learning about in Summer 2?

In Maths, we will be learning about mass, capacity and temperature. As always, we will also be deepening our knowledge of the 2, 5, 1o and 3 times tables. We will also be revisiting our previous learning through our daily Early Bird Maths work.  

In English, we will be exploring the text ‘Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine’ by Gloria Whelan. Our final write will be an explanation piece.  

In Science, we will be answering the big question ‘How can we look after the environment?’. We will be learning about the atmosphere, different power sources and the effects of climate change. 

In History, our big question is ‘Are all Queens the same?’. We will be developing our knowledge and understanding of the different queens, their roles and their reign. We will be using timelines to help us order and sequence the monarchs. 

In RE, we will continue to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. Our big question is ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’. We will be learning about the story ‘The Lost Son’ from the Bible and identifying what a parable is. We will then be relating this back to our big question and understanding how God is seen in the eyes of a Christian.  

In PSHE, we will be continuing to learn about our health and wellbeing. However, this half-term we will be focusing on our feelings. Our big question is ‘How do we recognise our feelings?’. This learning will be supported by referring to our school wide use of the Zones of Regulation. 

Our big question in Computing is ‘Can you make music?’. We will be using our musical understanding as well as our Computing learning in order to help us achieve our endpoint of composing a musical piece. 

In Art, our big question is ‘Can we create our own seasonal landscapes using digital images and smaller paintings and drawings?’. We will be creating our own landscape montages which will then be sold at our Summer Fair! 

In Music, the song we will be working on is ‘Reflect, Rewind and Replay’.  

This half-term we will also be visiting Cartwright Hall for a Hockney workshop. In order to support our History topic, we will be visiting Skipton Castle. We will also be taking part in a Kings and Queens Theme Day in school.  

Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 2 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on Class Dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!

Important Information:

Library: Monday

Spellings: Wednesday

PE: Wednesday

Reading books: Friday