Welcome to Reception.
We are Saplings Class!

The adults in Saplings Class are Mrs Law and Miss Hasler.

The 7 areas of learning

Communication and Language is key in EYFS and we will develop this through quality conversations, a language rich environment and provide extensive opportunities to try and embed new vocabulary.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and helps them to learn.

Physical Development is through gross and fine motor skill experiences which develop strength, co-ordination and the ability to write.

Literacy is crucial for children to develop a life long love for reading. This leads to the children becoming independent readers and writers.

Mathematics allows children to develop a strong grounding in number which is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically.

Understanding the World involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community.

Expressive Arts and Design involves the development of artistic and culture awareness which supports their imagination and creativity.

What are we learning this half term?

This half term, our question is 'Who helps us?' Where we will learn all about different roles in society where people help others. We will be lucky enough to have a visit from our local PCSO and an opportunity to dress up as one ourselves!

We are also beginning to write the letters in our names and will begin to learn the different letter sounds. Children develop their phonics through the Read Write inc Scheme which will also support their reading and writing.

We have some special '5 a day' texts that includes the traditional tale 'The gingerbread man', which the children act out in provision. 

In Maths we are exploring numbers to five and how to represent these in different ways.